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Organic lawn care algonquin

This time photograph the frogs.
Every time you get a heavy rain, you tell your friends about the battle you face trying to keep the tiny frogs in the area from getting into your garage, and sometime into the house. Your friends have a difficult time understanding your problem, so one of your friend’s has asked for photographic evidence of the problem that you are always talking about.
Last night’s thunderstorm which included more than an inch of rain should help the lawn recover from the last three very dry weeks. Although you have been running the sprinkler system on a daily basis, there is nothing quite like a good old soaking from an early morning rain storm.
Lawn care services around the nation are especially busy during the summer months of June, July, and August. A beautiful lawn is an indicator of a proud home owner, but making sure your grass, shrubs, and other landscaping items look their best takes a lot of work. And while some home owners are able to care for their own greenscapes, many others hire professionals to help them achieve lawns that they are proud of.
In addition to the traditional approach to caring for lawns, more and more home owners are looking to achieve naturally healthy lawns through organic lawn care. To an increasing number of Americans, finding a way to get a lawn in shape without using chemicals that are harmful to the environment is a priority. In addition to being attractive, a lush green lawn in also good for the environment. In fact, research shows that healthy lawns prevent run-off, absorbing rainfall six times more effectively than a wheat field and four times more effectively than a hay field.
Do you understand the characteristics of a healthy lawn and how to achieve them?

  • By weight, grass plants are 75% to 80% water.
  • Watering lawns accounts for an estimated 30% to 60% of water consumption during the summer months, according to a sustainable landscaping presentation by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
  • Turfgrass increases a home?s property value by 15% to 20 % if is part of a well-designed and maintained landscape.
  • Turfgrass also helps control pollution by trapping an estimated 12 million tons, equal to 10.9 million metric tons, of dirt and dust released every year that would otherwise be released into the U.S. atmosphere.
  • The danger of traditional lawn care is the impact it has on the environment. For instance, 40% to 60% of nitrogen from fertilizer leaches away or runs off, ending up in surface or ground water, including wells. In addition, 60 to 70 million birds die from pesticide poisoning each year in America alone.
  • Nearly 70 million pounds of pesticides and herbicides are applied to lawns in America each year. This amount is approximately ten times the amount that is applied to American farmland, acre for acre.

Organic lawn care is a growing trend as Americans look for a balance between wanting a healthy lawn and also wanting a healthy environment, free from chemicals like pesticides and herbicides. Some people even want a world were the little frogs still come out every time there is a big rain.


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