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Home maintenance is practically a continuous project. That being the case, there are some maintenance tasks that are best done in specific seasons. It’s important that you know each so that you can make the right call every season and keep your home in great shape. Read on to see an outline of some worthwhile end of summer home maintenance tips that will help you make the right call and keep your home functional, valuable, and appealing.

Repair Your Furniture

The first item on this list of end of summer home maintenance tips is to repair your furniture. This is a great way for you to make sure that your home is comfortable for the next season. Take time and inspect your furniture so that you know about the specific repairs that need to be done. This can help you set aside the time and funds that are needed for the project. Repairs may include fixing broken elements and also reupholstering the soft furnishings to ensure that they look and feel brand-new.

Some of the main repairs may involve elements that are connected to the furniture such as the legs. For example, if you have something like an adjustable bed, it may need something like oiling of the hinges or something similar. In this case, the furniture is bound to feel amazing and look good. Given the fact that furniture is one of the most expensive things that most people ever invest in alongside a house and a car, repairing rather than replacing is a great call. You should simply make sure that the person you entrust with making the repairs is qualified and has enough experience to do a good job.

Close Your Pool

If you have a pool at your home, the end of summer is the time to close it. That’s because you’re not going to use it in the cold season, so you should ensure that it’s not a safety hazard. Talk to reliable pool companies in your area to find the best one to call for this task. They should also help you work on other duties to keep the pool safe from the effects of the cold season. This is one of the most important end of summer home maintenance tips to take care of because pool repairs can be quite costly to make.

Some of the tasks that you need to ensure is done is closing the water supply. If the area that your home is in experiences particularly cold winters, it’s a good idea that you don’t leave any water in plumbing associated with the pool. This is going to save you a lot of time and money in terms of damage that could befall piping in which water freezes.

Prepare Your Furnace

Next, take measures to ensure that your home will stay cozy even as the cold season sets in. To this end, you need to call a professional to inspect your furnace and perform boiler furnace service if it’s necessary. This will help you lower the chances of your furnace breaking down with no warning. If this were to happen, your family will have an uncomfortable experience that could have been prevented. Worse still, it may be extremely hard to find someone to work on your unit for a fair price as you won’t have the luxury of shopping around to find the best person for the job.

Another item that you can’t ignore in the list of end of summer home maintenance tips is your HVAC. It needs to be serviced at the start of the cold season so that it can run efficiently throughout the chilly season. For this, look for a HVAC contractor in your area to help you get your unit in order. If it needs any repairs, get them done right away, and you’ll not only keep your home comfortable, but you’ll also keep your energy bills manageable. If it’s gotten to the end of its lifespan, shop for a good replacement so that your comfort is assured.

Install a Gate

It’s a good idea to also make sure that you keep your home and family safe as the seasons change. To do this, you may want to take measures such as installing a fence and a gate for your home. This is a great way to make it a little harder for intruders to gain access into your home. You’ll also feel safer once you’re inside the gate and can proceed to enter your home in comfort and with minimal anxiety. This is one of the items in this list of end of summer home maintenance tips that can help you throughout the year.

You can look into various technologies currently on the market to see if you can find one that will offer you even more security for your home. Among the options that you can look into is professional access control systems installation. This will take the security measures that you put in place a step further and give you even more comfort. With such a system in place, your home will enjoy a boost in value because everyone likes a safe and peaceful home.

Upgrade Your Windows and Doors

Don’t leave the doors and windows out of this list of end of summer home maintenance tips. That’s because they’re not only part of your home and potential points of entry for would-be criminals. They can also see you pay a high amount of money in energy bills if they have gaps and cracks that allow chilly drafts to enter your home. That said, perform an inspection to see if there are any spaces that compromise your home’s insulation. If you find a few, you can get some caulk from your local hardware store and seal them so that they can sail you through this season.

Plan to take a more permanent measure in the future so that you can secure your home’s insulation once and for all. This means that you can save and put plans underway to replace the single-pane, drafty windows that your home may have. If you live in an area that’s prone to hurricanes and other harsh weather events, you should look into hurricane window and door installation services. This is a measure that can safeguard your home and keep your family safe in case of a storm in your area.

Get New Siding

Remember to invest in new siding for your home if there are any damages or other issues with your current siding. Local siding companies should be able to help you secure your home by repairing any broken or missing siding. This will help seal your home a bit better, keeping you considerably more insulated against the chilly winds outside. As a result, your energy bills won’t soar through the roof in this season as you try to ensure that your home stays warm.

This is one of the items in this list of end of summer home maintenance tips that you should take seriously. Once the cold sets in, it may be hard work repairing siding. This will make it cost you more time and money for the same service, so get it done in time. When the siding gets back in god shape, you can proceed to clean and paint the exterior of your home. This will boost your curb appeal and ensure that your home will stay looking amazing for a while yet to come.

Remodel Your Bathroom

A bathroom remodel is one of the timeless projects that can also be added to a list of end of summer home maintenance tips. The reason why this is an especially good idea is that your family is about to start spending more time indoors. With the bathroom already being prone to receiving a lot of traffic, this is sure to increase. As such, think about any issues that you or your family may be having with the bathroom and deal with them right away. Getting them out of the way now is a great way to make your house more welcoming in the coming colder season.

From cosmetic improvements like installing frameless glass doors to functional ones like replacing leaky taps and faucets, there are many things that can be done during a bathroom remodel. You could paint the walls, install a new countertop, replace the backsplash, add more storage in the form of cabinets, shelves, or hooks, or simply deep clean the space. Whatever you do is sure to be appreciated, especially if you do it exceptionally. To this end, you should think about hiring the right person for the job so that you’re assured of an amazing outcome. Don’t be afraid to ask the professional that you hire to show you pictures of projects similar to yours that they’ve done in the past.

Pump Your Septic System

If your home relies on a septic system, call local septic pumpers at this time to ensure that it’s ready to handle the coming season. This is a crucial item in this list of end of summer home maintenance tips because it can impact the safety, comfort, and cleanliness of your home. You don’t want to take risks with this system, especially at this time of year. There may not be many professionals who will be willing or even able to work on repairs to the septic system in the middle of the biting cold. It may also not be advisable to pump your septic system then.

Call reliable professionals to inspect your septic system and address any issues that you may have noticed with it. They can save you a lot of time, money, and peace of mind by securing the septic system. If they tell you that it can last to the end of the season before it needs any service or repairs, then that’s one less item that you have to deal with.

Keep Pets Out of the Way

Last but not least, if you have pets at home, it’s important to find a safe place where they can stay while you work on the necessary projects. While your pet is a beloved member of the family, they can make an easy task extremely difficult if they keep getting in the way while professionals are working. Additionally, your pet may pose a significant risk by being a distraction or an obstruction. This makes it important for you to find somewhere they can stay and be taken care of while you get the house in shape. You’ll also have an easier time focussing on the tasks at hand when you don’t have to worry about feeding your pet, cleaning them, or taking them for a walk.

With your hands and attention free, you can make sure that everything is done to the best possible degree. To ensure that you don’t stay worried even after you take your pet somewhere, make sure that you’re comfortable with the place you take them. To begin with, avoid any pet care centers that seem to be dodgy based on their online presence or in any other aspects of the way they present themselves. You may also want to look for a dog daycare with webcams so that you know that you can check on your pet at any time and right from your home while you work on the renovations.

These end of summer home maintenance tips should help you get your home in an amazing state by the end of this season. Remember that while it’s great to save some money by doing some work yourself, a professional will likely always do a better and faster job. That said, you can take on some light tasks yourself and then look for an experienced professional to handle the rest that may need to be done with speed and precision. By the end of it all, you and your family will be happy to stay warm indoors as you’ll be in a house that looks amazing and is actually safe and comfortable!




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March 2025


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