Cash buyers of real estate have a lot to keep in mind when looking for a home. Everything from changing demographics to rapidly shifting trends in the market account for a home being sold successfully or being left to collect dust while competitors blaze past. If you’re struggling with your own selling process or feel like you’ve just hit a dead end, lay your concerns to rest — below I’ll detail the changing face of America, as well as common pitfalls to avoid when trying to sell your home.
Demographic Changes In America
It’s important to know why and where people move. Of the 14% of seniors that find themselves moving to another state, 35% reported moving for family reasons while another 13% cited retirement as their primary motivation. The year 2008 saw a record of nearly 50 million Americans, around 16% of the U.S. population, living in a family household with at least two adult generations. Over half of all American seniors who moved into an assisted living home left a private home or apartment. The most viable living environment for elderly persons are single-floor homes, as well as homes in a secure and well-populated neighborhood. With 2030 expecting to see over 72 million older people in the general population, it’s imperative more than ever to be aware of demographic changes so you and your potential buyers can get the most out of buying a house. Quick home sales are even better with a little knowledge to back them up!
What You Should Know
The most popular home renovations take anywhere from two to six months to properly implement before you sell. It’s advised by most real estate experts that you add around 20% to the final estimate of your home — most home improvement projects were found not to return the total of their renovation cost at resale in a recent report. Selling through an agency has the benefit of reaching a wide customer base, though you should be aware that an agency’s commission price can run as high as 6% of the final sale. For cash buyers of real estate there are a plethora of available options for any budget, goal and time frame. How are you going to promote your houses for sale?