Many different parts are needed to keep a home functioning, from the pipes and sewage system to the heating and air conditioning to making sure that all electrical components and wires are working well. One particular area for concern is the roof of a home, and roof replacement can mean the difference between water resistance and saving on utilities to having squirrels and water leaks in the home, and worse. Replacement tiles, wood, paint, and more can all make the difference, and replacement for the home’s siding is also often a concern. Roofing contractors can be called upon to inspect replace any damaged roof or side of a house for a fair price, and investing in good roof replacement every so often can save a lot of money and trouble in the long run for any homeowner. What can residential roofing, if done right, look like? If squirrels invade or hail strikes, what will need replacement?
Saving Money with Roofs and Sides
Some may not realize it, but a good quality roof and insulation for the walls can save a lot of money and trouble where utility bills are concerned. In summer, the home’s HVAC system generates cold air and in winter, it will create hot air, but if the roof leaks or the insulation is faulty, or even if windows are drafty, heat or cold can leak from the home, which is not only uncomfortable but forces the heating and air conditioning to work extra hard to compensate for the constant loss of cool or warm air. In the long run, this can add up to a lot, and may even wear out the heating and air conditioning system itself. Roof replacement, when the time is right, can prevent this problem, and other services may also replace a home’s siding (such as vinyl) or the insulation. Different contractors may need to be contacted for that.
Hail and squirrel damage are another area of concern. Squirrels, by means of tree branches, can reach a roof’s wooden walls and chew their way in and create holes. In the home, squirrels will build nests that block the air ducts, and the adult squirrels will chew on phone and cable wires, and even electric cables and plastic pipes, which can compromise those utilities and therefore necessitate costly repairs. With those holes in the roof and walls, rain water and melting snow can get in, and the water may rot and expand wood and damage drywall, not to mention short out electrical components. All of this is also costly repair, and hail damage may have a similar effect, especially on an older, more worn out roof.
Roof Replacement Basics
Replacement for a roof may happen every so often, based on the damage sustained by a roof. 10 to 15 years, for example, may serve as a good starting point for a roof’s life cycle. It also plays a major part in the aesthetics of a home, since on a typical home, the roof represents 40% of the exterior, and asphalt shingles are a common route to take for these roofs. In fact, asphalt shingles may last anywhere from 20-50 years, based on the climate where the house is situated, and around four out of five American homes have these types of shingles on them.
If a roof has multiple holes and worn out tiles, or if hot or cold air is definitely escaping through the roof at unacceptable rates, and if the roof has not been replaced in a while, a homeowner could probably stand to have the roof replaced with a new one, for refreshed durability and longevity. Someone living in an area prone to storms such as tornadoes and hurricanes may replace their roofs more often, given the strong winds and flying debris that local weather creates. Roof replacement contractors can be found online or through asking around at a local hardware store, and a customer can ask for the contractor’s location, fees, and availability, and the customer may also ask for contact information of old clients to get customer reviews. With all this data, a customer can compare several similar contractors nearby and find the right one for the job.