Most homeowners only ask whether they need a roof repair when they notice a problem. Their roof leaks, shingles, or times come off the roof, or they notice roofing material that is loose or broken. A roof repair often results from improper installation, so the best approach is to have your roof inspected annually by a roof repair firm to ensure proper installation and problems have not emerged in the last year.
Common installation problems with asphalt shingles include improper alignment. Asphalt shingles should overlap in a uniform pattern so the backing on each shingle seals the shingle to the roof. When out of alignment, the seals do not adhere as needed, and the bottom of the shingle sheets tends to lift over the next lower shingle. When the shingle lifts and is not sealed to the roof, the wind blowing in the right direction can lift it with enough force to pull it off the house, requiring a roof repair.
A second common problem with improperly installed asphalt shingle roofs is unsealed nails. Besides the asphalt seal on the back of the shingle, shingles get attached to roofs with several nails. Each nail punches a hole in the roof, so the installer must seal each nail, and they get resealed when they spot problem nails during annual inspections.