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Houses take a lot of furniture, paint, and planning to furnish. It can be overwhelming taking on the task of decorating an entire house. This is why many people consider using the services of an interior decorating professional. Interior decorators can decorate entire homes, all while following the preferences and interests of the owner. Interior decorating professionals also provide many additional benefits to the home decorating process.

Full of unique ideas You may find that after decorating a couple of bedrooms, they all begin to look the same. It can be difficult to come up with multiple unique ideas for a multi room house. You may not have the time or the desire to research and find new looks for your house. You also do not want your house to look identical to your family and friend?s houses. An interior decorator designs rooms for a living, so they are full of unique decorating ideas. They may have previous ideas that worked in another client?s house or may be able to come up with new ones based on your specific needs.

Cost savings opportunities Because interior decorating professionals frequently shop at furniture stores, they are often provided with store discounts that they can pass onto the customer. You can receive deep discounts on the items you need to furnish your home, simply for using the interior designer?s services. In many cases, the discounts received for the items purchased are enough to cover the interior decorators price. Discounts on that modern furniture set or the premium sleeper sofa that you have been eyeing are often worth it.

Increase the value of your home Approximately 47% of Americans have not updated their home decor in the last five years, and 9% have not in more than 10 years. Your housing value decreases when updates are needed. Potential buyers are willing to pay less, because they will have to put money into the house to update it. Consider hiring an interior decorating company to complete a home remodel before listing your house. You are likely to see a high return on investment.

Green remodeling Many Americans want to move to a more green type of living, but most simply do not know how to. An interior designer can change out aspects in your home that are bad for the environment, replacing them with more green options. Sustainable home improvement projects are on the upswing, generating about 30% of revenue at full service remodeling firms. Around 20% of homeowners reporting improvement spending in 2012 and 2013 indicated that at least one of their projects was for energy efficiency purposes.

Special needs renovations Sometimes homeowners require special additions or improvements to their home to allow them to move freely within it. Most homeowners do not know about city and state regulations following these home renovations. However, over half of 60 plus households are planning to age in place, and many are modifying interiors with this in mind. An interior designer can help you draw up a building plan that will fit all of your specialized needs and that you will enjoy.

When most people think of interior designers, they think of how expensive they cost. They may also picture them designing a mansion?s interior decorations. Interior designers actually offer many benefits to the average household. They can create a unique living space in each room that also increases the resale value of the house. Interior decorators can help homeowners save money on their home remodel projects. They can also redesign home?s interiors to make them more green friendly or handicapped accessible.


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