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If your home utilizes an air conditioning system, it’s understandable to feel stressed out when it stops working. That being said, you’ll be able to avoid these stressful moments by practicing a bit of preventative maintenance. Don’t worry, these steps don’t require performing any type of dangerous work. You’ll find out what to do in those situations a bit later. With that in mind, here are four easy ways to practice preventative air conditioner maintenance.

  1. Change Air Filters as Needed

    In order to keep particles out of the air in your home, air conditioners utilize filters. However, these filters won’t be able to stand the test of time. Considering that, it’s important to make sure that you’re keeping these filters replaced regularly. In most cases, it’s recommended that you change these filters every year. If you live in a home with pets, you’ll want to change these filters every six months.
  2. Removing External Debris

    Another form of preventative care for your AC system involves stepping outside. You’ll want to check the external portion of your air conditioning unit. Many people contact AC repair companies due to poor air circulation. One reason for this is due to debris blocking portions of this structure. For this step, you don’t need to risk taking anything apart. However, you will need to turn off your air conditioner. You don’t want to have your hands near this unit when it decides to turn back on. After turning the system off, simply walk around the unit to see any debris near or on the unit and remove it by hand.
  3. Check Duct Registers

    HVAC contractors are often called on to fix systems that aren’t sending air throughout a home. This often happens due to the air conditioning unit burning itself out. Air conditioners are made to work well to cool an entire home. However, a system that is working around the clock is likely to wear down quickly. In order to prevent this, check the air registers throughout your home. Experts recommend keeping at least 20% of the registers in your home open. If possible, keeping all of these registers open allows air to flow more freely throughout your home. In turn, the internal temperature of your home will lower which won’t require the AC to constantly run.
  4. Have Your System Regularly Inspected

    One of the best things to do for your AC system is to have it regularly inspected. Many HVAC services are called upon for preventative checks rather than emergency repairs. It’s understandable to want to save money on air conditioning costs. That being said, many homeowners that don’t have their systems regularly inspected often pay much more in the future. In addition, HVAC contractors can ensure any previous work was completed correctly. For instance, someone who completed the previous air conditioning installation might have made mistakes.

To summarize, it’s important to practice preventative AC system maintenance. You’ll find that these steps are relatively easy to complete. If you’re still experiencing problems after completing these steps, it’s time to contact an AC repair service. Extensive air conditioning repairs should always be left to the professionals. In addition, contacting an AC repair company ensures you’ll know who to call for system check ups.


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February 2025


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